When you have a new baby, you'll spend lots of time bathing your new bundle of joy.
So here are a few tips.
Give your baby sponge baths while the umbilical cord is still attached.
For a sponge bath, set out a basin of warm water, a soft washcloth, and some mild soap.
Lay your baby down on a soft towel or blanket.
Gently wash your baby's face with the cloth and fresh water.
Then gently wash the rest of the body with soapy water.
Keep your baby covered with a towel for warmth, except where you're washing.
Once the umbilical cord has fallen off and the area has healed, you can start to bathe your child in a basin or tub.
First, set out a towel and washcloth, some mild soap or baby shampoo, and a basin filled with about 2 inches of warm water--not too hot.
Gently lower your baby into the water, supporting the head.
Your baby's face and most of the body should be above the water-- so put a warm, wet washcloth over your baby’s chest and tummy or pour water over your baby for warmth.
With a soapy cloth, gently wash around the face, ears, and scalp-- including the soft spots--and then wash the rest of your baby's body.
Avoid getting soap near the eyes.
As you rinse off the soap, cup your hand over your baby's forehead to keep soap from getting in the eyes.
If that happens, gently wipe around the eyes with a cloth and some clean, non-soapy water.
Remember: never leave a baby alone in or near a tub or basin of water, even for a moment.
If you need to leave the tub, take your baby.
If you bathe or dress your baby on a raised surface, be sure to use a safety strap or keep a hand on the baby at all times.
And you should only do baths every few days, to avoid drying out your baby's skin.
Bathing a baby doesn't always go perfectly at first, but you'll get the hang of it, and it can be an enjoyable time to bond with your baby.