Alcohol: Taking Action

Alcohol: Taking Action (00:02:24)
Video Transcript

There are many approaches to making a plan to change your drinking habits.

You know best what may work for you ... and if you're ready to make a change.

Maybe you've learned some things from other times you've tried to cut back or quit.

Or you've seen or read about what's worked for others.

Take the next few minutes to start making your plan.

A solid plan will give you the best chance of success.

First off ... pick a date to begin, and write it down ... so it feels real.

And start with one specific goal ...

like "Go to meetings on Wednesdays and Saturdays"

instead of just "Get more support" ...

Or "Drink no more than two drinks on weekend nights"

instead of just "Cut back on the weekends."

Next, think about how to change your environment.

Do you need to get rid of some or all of the alcohol in your home?

... Or spend less time in places that remind you of drinking and more time with people who support your goals? ...

Write down what triggers you to drink and how you might avoid those things.

Do you need to stay away from certain people, places, activities, or situations?

... Do something different at your normal drinking times?

... Find new ways to deal with stress or a bad mood?

... Or have a ready excuse or a plan for leaving when you've stayed somewhere longer than you want to ... ?

Make sure to get as much help as you can.

If you think medicines may be right for you, talk to your doctor about them.

They may help you stay with your plan.

And think about who can support you.

Family and friends?

A counselor, a social support group, like AA or SMART recovery?

They can boost your coping skills ... so that when life gets stressful ...

you have safe and healthy ways to deal with the stress and you don't turn to alcohol.

Many people who want to quit drinking completely also benefit from a sponsor ...

someone who's been sober for a while and can serve as a mentor for you.

When you meet a specific goal, acknowledge your hard work and progress ...

maybe with a little gift to remind you of this milestone ...

a fun activity with a friend ...

or reflecting on how your life is moving closer to where you want.

You've heard some ideas about what's been helpful for others to include in their plan.

Now it's time to think about what might help you.

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