[Dr. Nicholson] "Physical activity or exercise can help moms manage their blood glucose levels.
We'd like for women with gestational diabetes to reach an exercise goal of at least 30 minutes ... 4 or 5 times during the week.
For busy moms, this can sometimes not be an achievable goal."
[Lish] "I couldn't all of a sudden decide I'm going to leave work and go to the gym right now.
And that was just unrealistic for me anyway.
So I had to figure out sort of more creative ways of working, just being just generally more active."
[Dr. Nicholson] "Any amount of exercise that they are able to achieve during the course of that busy week is going to help them to manage their calories and manage their blood glucose levels well over the course of the pregnancy."
[Lish] "Our building is ... is large.
So the perimeter is pretty wide.
And I would walk to the ladies' room the long way.
And I would walk the stairs from the 8th floor up to the 20th floor.
I also did walk in my neighborhood. I would take the dog out for a walk."
Being more active, I feel great.
I just feel like I have more energy."
[Marnina] "I had two things to motivate me, my husband and me knowing the fact that what I do now affects my son.
or what I did now can ...
can reduce the chances of me having type 2 diabetes.
My son was the main reason for me pushing through those times where I didn't feel like working out."
[Lori] "It's really great if you can get your family onboard to make these changes with you.
When you incorporate exercise and activity with your family, you can come together and have some great experiences that you would never have in front of a television set."
[Dr. Nicholson] "The good habits that you start now, in terms of exercising, finding a routine that works for you, finding the time to do the exercise, these are all good habits to take forward ...
for the rest of your life, for the life of your child, and for your entire family."