Getting into the habit of exercise? Well ... lots of us struggle with that.
And being active may be the last thing on your mind if you don't feel well because of heart failure.
But maybe you've talked with your doctor or nurse about how exercise could help you have more energy and feel better.
How would that change things for you?
What might motivate you to get started?
... to make that exercise plan with your doctor?
First, let's think about your reason to be more active.
Do you want to make your heart as healthy as possible?
Or would feeling better help you do more of the things you want?
Maybe that means you could spend more time with family or friends ...
take a vacation or go on a picnic with the grandkids.
You know what inspires you.
Now ... if you're feeling a little worried or unsure ...
remember a time that you did something you were really proud of.
Maybe you didn't think you could do it. But you did.
Find that feeling of confidence to help you get started with your exercise.
You can do it.