Glucagon is medicine that can quickly raise blood sugar.
If a person has very low blood sugar and is unconscious or is unable to eat or drink something that contains sugar, they need glucagon.
Glucagon nasal spray is a powder that is absorbed through the lining inside the nose, so it doesn't have to be inhaled to work.
First, remove the shrink wrap that is covering the container.
Then take the nasal spray device out of the container.
Hold the device between your thumb and fingers.
Be sure that you don't push the plunger until you're ready to give the medicine.
Put the tip of the device into one nostril until your fingers touch the outside of the person's nose.
Then push the plunger firmly all the way in until it stops.
This completes the dose.
After you've given glucagon, turn the person on their side.
This will help prevent choking if they vomit.
Then call 911 or other emergency services right away.
If help hasn't arrived within 15 minutes and the person is still unconscious, give another dose of glucagon if you have one.
It's important to know that each glucagon nasal spray device contains only one dose and can't be reused.
Stay with the person until emergency help arrives.
If the person becomes alert and is able to swallow, give them some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food or liquid, such as hard candy or juice.
Then give the person a long-acting source of carbohydrate, such as crackers and cheese or a sandwich.
It can be scary when someone you care about is having a low blood sugar emergency.
But when you know how to use glucagon, it can give you the confidence you need to act quickly.