Hemorrhoidectomy is surgery to remove hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids that happen inside the body are called internal hemorrhoids.
And hemorrhoids that happen outside the body are called external hemorrhoids.
You can also have both types at the same time.
With internal hemorrhoids, healthy veins inside the anal canal are put under pressure.
This causes them to swell and slowly stretch out of shape.
With external hemorrhoids, healthy veins outside the anus are put under pressure, causing them to swell and slowly stretch out of shape.
The pain and itching from your hemorrhoids should go away after surgery.
Now, here's how the surgery is done.
First, you'll get medicine to keep you comfortable so you won't feel any pain.
For internal hemorrhoids, the doctor can tie off the swollen veins with a band.
After surgery, the extra tissue will fall off when it's ready.
Or the doctor can staple and remove the swollen veins during surgery.
For external hemorrhoids, the doctor will cut out the swollen veins.
The cuts are closed with stitches, or sometimes the cuts are left to heal on their own.
Hemorrhoidectomy is usually done at a surgery center, and you'll most likely go home the same day.
Before the surgery, tell your doctor about all the medicines and natural health products you take, especially blood thinners, including aspirin.
Some of these can increase the risk of bleeding or cause problems with anesthesia.
Follow your doctor's directions for how to get ready for the surgery, including what you can eat or drink and which medicines to take.
You may be asked to use an enema or suppository before your surgery.
Bring your photo ID, insurance card, and any paperwork that your surgery center may have asked for.
And remember, medicines used during surgery make it unsafe for you to drive after your surgery.
Be sure to have someone to help you get home.
Surgery can be stressful, but knowing how to prepare and what to expect can help.
And if you have any questions or concerns, you can always call your doctor.