Emotional freedom technique is a method some people use to manage their emotions and troubling thoughts.
It's also called EFT, or tapping.
It's done by tapping your fingertips on certain points on your hand, head, and torso.
Not all experts agree on how or if this approach works to help people, but you may find that it helps you lower stress and anxiety.
To try EFT, follow these steps.
First, think of something that's bothering you.
It can be anything.
For example, maybe you're feeling anxious about a problem you're having at work.
Next, rate how this problem is making you feel.
Give it a number between 0 and 10, with 10 being the worst you can feel.
Now, create a statement that describes your problem.
And then make another statement that shows your self-acceptance despite that problem.
Using our work example from earlier, it may sound something like this: "Even though I feel anxious about work tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Next, tap repeatedly on the edge of your palm, below your little finger.
Some people call this area the karate chop side of your hand.
While you're tapping this area, repeat your statement out loud 3 times.
["Even though I'm anxious about work, I deeply and completely accept myself."] Now you can move on to tap the rest of the points on your body.
While you're tapping, keep repeating the statement that explains your problem.
Tap on each body point in this order.
The top, center, of your head. ["I'm anxious."] The inside edge of one eyebrow. ["I'm anxious."] Next to the outside edge of one eye. ["I have anxiety."] Underneath one eye. ["I'm anxious."] Between your nose and your upper lip. ["I have anxiety."] Between your lower lip and your chin. ["I'm anxious."] Beneath one collarbone. ["I'm anxious."] Under one armpit. ["I have anxiety."] [exhales] Now, take another look at your problem, and see how you're feeling by using the same rating scale you used before.
You can keep repeating the steps until your rating is lower or you feel better.
Remember, EFT shouldn't replace going to see a mental health professional for help with serious issues like depression or trauma.
But you may find it's a tool you can use to help manage some of your thoughts and emotions.