Stress and uncertainty are a part of life – whether it's a health crisis, a job change, money problems, or something else.
If you feel like sometimes you're just trying to get through the day, you're not alone.
So don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go right.
Give yourself a break, and show yourself some kindness and compassion.
Here are some things to try: Celebrate small wins.
Focus on the little things you do every day, and let them add up.
Maybe you didn't clean your whole home over the weekend like you planned.
So what?
Give yourself credit for what you did do.
If you changed your sheets, that's something.
If you did the dishes, that's something too.
Slow down.
Try to focus on your senses and notice how things look, smell, feel, and sound.
See if you can pay attention to what you’re doing right now, and do just one thing at a time.
If you are eating, just eat.
If you are listening to music, just listen.
Go easy on yourself.
You're not perfect, and neither is anyone else.
But would you talk to a good friend the way you talk to yourself?
A lot of us are much harder on ourselves than we would be on others.
If that's true for you, try shifting your self-talk to be more forgiving.
For example, if you're beating yourself up about a mistake you made, take a step back.
Try kind and encouraging self-talk instead.
You can say, "This is new, and I'm doing my best."
Or, "I'm caring for my family, and I'm doing a good job."
Do something just for you.
Commit to doing something kind for yourself every day.
Maybe for you, self-care looks like making time to exercise, to explore a hobby, or write in a journal.
Or maybe it’s reading a magazine in the garage away from your children for 10 minutes.
Whatever it is, make time for you.
Some people also find it helpful to work with a counselor.
And as you get the hang of it, you can start to feel better about yourself, others, and how you see the world.
In short: Be kind to yourself.
Do something for yourself.
And know that it's okay to get help.