After your epidural steroid injection, be sure that you follow any instructions about diet or activity.
And take your medicines as prescribed.
You'll also get directions on how to care for the injection site.
You can take a shower if your doctor okays it, but don't take a bath for the first 24 hours after the injection or until your doctor tells you it's okay.
You may want to do less activity than normal for a few days.
But you may also be able to return to your daily routine, depending on how you feel.
Some people are dizzy or feel sick to their stomach after getting this injection.
These symptoms usually don’t last very long.
Your legs may feel heavy or numb right after your shot.
You'll probably be able to walk.
But you may need to be extra careful.
If your injection contained local anesthetic, you may feel better right away.
But this pain relief will only last a few hours.
Your pain will probably return.
This is because the steroids haven't started working yet.
Before the steroids start to work, your back or neck may be sore for a few days.
Steroids don't always work.
But when they do, the medicine in the injection should start to help your pain in 1 to 5 days.
The pain relief can last for several days to a few months or longer.
If the site of your injection feels sore or tender, put an ice pack or a cold pack on it for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
Put a thin cloth between the ice pack or cold pack and your skin.
Call your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms in your arms, legs, chest, belly, or buttocks.
Those may include numbness or tingling and weakness, or pain.
And call if you have a severe headache or lose bladder or bowel control.
Also call your doctor if you see signs of infection, such as a fever, increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness; or pus draining from the injection site.
Get emergency help right away if you pass out, have trouble breathing, or if you are unable to move an arm or a leg.
You know yourself best, so call your doctor if you have any questions.
And remember, recovery and healing take time.