[Dr. Nicholson] "Women who have gestational diabetes are at risk for developing adult or what we call type 2 diabetes in the 5 to 10 years after their delivery if they don't continue to practice healthy eating and a healthy exercise routine.
So we want to partner with you even after you deliver to make sure you maintain these health habits."
[Lish] "Just because I ... I have delivered doesn't mean I can go back to my poor eating habits.
I knew that I needed to kind of keep up with this new life.
And that I knew it was going to be better for me.
If I have early signs of type 2 diabetes, I'm still young enough that I can change things and, you know, try to extend my life, and be there for my kids."
[Dr. Nicholson] "After delivery, it is incredibly important for the mom to reach a healthy weight.
The mom may focus simply on losing the weight she gained during pregnancy.
Or, if necessary, she may need to focus on losing a larger amount of weight, so that she can reach an ideal body weight for her long-term health.
We know that women who reach a healthy weight after delivery ...
are able to reduce their chances of getting type 2 or adult diabetes ...
or becoming overweight or obese and developing cardiovascular disease."
[Marnina] "I'm 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight."
[Dr. Nicholson] "Excellent."
[Marnina] "The things that you do now could really help you in the future, you know, whether it's exercising or eating right."
[Dr. Nicholson] "You're on the right track.
Keep exercising, eating well, and maintaining that healthy weight ...
And those are the two key steps ...
to really reduce your chances of getting the adult, or type 2, diabetes."
[Marnina] "Okay."