Working with your doctor to treat your atrial fibrillation ... or a-fib ... is important.
It can help you manage your symptoms and avoid more health problems.
But managing symptoms ... or episodes ... of a-fib can be easier for some than others.
That's because some people only have mild symptoms, and they learn how to deal with them.
But others ... well ... they struggle, and they feel like a-fib is controlling their lives.
So let's listen to a couple of stories. Maybe you'll hear something that can help you.
"I found out about my a-fib a few years ago.
When I had an episode ... it felt like I had frogs jumping in my chest.
My doc said that was the heart palpitations.
And ... every time it happened I got dizzy, and I couldn't catch my breath.
It really scared me.
So I asked my doctor what I could do when it happens.
She said it might help to do things that are calming, like breathing and relaxation exercises.
We made that our plan ... and I wrote down what to do when I have palpitations.
I posted it on the refrigerator.
It's funny ... but just knowing I have that piece of paper to look at ...
and remembering that my episodes almost always stop after an hour or two ...
makes me feel like I have some control over this.
I'm also trying to find out what triggers my episodes ...
like, is it when I have couple of drinks?
I've been keeping a food journal to help me remember.
And it seems like cutting back on alcohol might help.
So ... I'm starting to feel like I can manage okay."
"The a-fib has really affected my life.
When I get symptoms ... my heart pounds ...
and I have to stop everything and lie down for hours.
And that's happening more often than it used to. It's no way to live.
I just feel anxious all the time ... about having an episode.
I've done all I can on my own ... I've been taking medicines for the symptoms.
I've also been trying to find out what triggers my symptoms.
I quit drinking alcohol. I've tried the relaxation techniques. I quit exercising.
But nothing helps. Geez ... what a life ...
So, I've got an appointment with my doctor to talk about what to do next.
She'd said before that a procedure might help. And I'm thinking I might be ready.
Because ... I want my life back."
So ... now maybe you've got a few ideas about how to manage your a-fib symptoms.
Remember, you don't have to go through this alone.
Your care team can help you, whether it's finding ways to ease anxiety or considering other treatments.
All you have to do ... is ask.