You can have an active, healthy life with atrial fibrillation, or a-fib ...
Because you can do things to keep your body and heart healthy.
But maybe you need a few tips to help you get there.
Let's take a look.
First ... taking your medicines is so important.
Medicines help prevent a stroke and can relieve your symptoms.
And if you take medicines for other health problems, like diabetes or high blood pressure, taking them as prescribed will help your heart stay as healthy as possible.
Now ... habits that keep your body healthy and active ... they not only help your a-fib, but are an important part of your treatment.
So not smoking ... that really helps your heart.
If you need to quit ... your doctor can help you.
Next, eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean chicken or fish is another part of heart health.
Then, being active.
It might seem weird right now, but exercise is really good for your heart.
Just make sure you've talked with your doctor about what kind of activity is safe for you.
And here's a bonus ... eating healthy and exercising ...
they can help you manage your weight.
That's one more part of your heart-healthy lifestyle.
Finally ... think about how well you're sleeping.
Do you have any problems? Be sure to tell your doctor.
Because treating problems like sleep apnea is important when you have a-fib.
Now, this is a big list, for sure.
And perhaps you're thinking, "No way can I do all that."
So ... think about what you feel most comfortable with.
Maybe it's just paying attention to your medicines for now ...
or maybe you're ready to do more. You decide.
Pick something you know you can do, and write it down.
You see ... your a-fib isn't in charge, you are.
If a-fib is getting in the way of having a full, active life, let your doctor know.
There are solutions.