After a stroke, it's common to feel overwhelmed ... emotional ...
like the future is uncertain. There's so much to learn and do ...
Like making sense of all the information the hospital sends home ...
the plans and tasks ... It's a lot to think about.
And on top of all that? There's how you're feeling.
You can give yourself some control ... and peace of mind ...
by making your own plan.
It's really about focusing on three important things: your medicines ...
your doctor appointments ...
and rehabilitation.
Start with your medicines.
They can help keep you healthy and out of the hospital.
A good first step is knowing why, how, and when to take the medicines.
Your doctor can fill in the "why" and "how."
You do the "when" ... keeping track of your pills.
Maybe writing down a schedule ... or using a pillbox ... can help you.
Do whatever works for you.
Doctor appointments are the next part of your plan.
You may have more than one doctor now, and making and keeping all of your visits is important.
And your doctors will want to see you on a regular schedule ...
to find out how you're doing.
So, what might help you keep track of appointments?
You might ask others for help.
Maybe all you need is a place where you can write everything down.
Stroke rehabilitation ... or rehab ... is the third part of your plan.
A rehab program is one of the best ways to help you make the most of any abilities that were changed because of your stroke ...
things like controlling your movement or your speech.
What can you do to make rehab go as smoothly as possible?
It will depend on your rehab program.
But doing home exercises at the same time every day might help.
Maybe a friend or family member can be there while you do them.
Medicines ... appointments ... rehab.
Your plan can really make a difference in your recovery.
So what will your first step be? A pillbox for your meds? An appointment book?
Remember ... when you have a plan ... maybe you can relax ... and focus on healing.