A polysomnogram (PSG), or “sleep study,” records physiological changes during your sleep. Sleep studies are painless and are done to find common issues including:
•Narcolepsy and problems staying awake
•Seizures during the night
•REM behavior disorder (RBD)
•Repeated muscle twitching of the feet, arms, or legs while you sleep.
•Excessive snoring
•Sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is when you stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer when sleeping. Blocked or narrowed airways in your nose, mouth, or throat can cause it. Your airway can become blocked when your throat muscles and tongue relax during sleep. It can range from mild to severe. This is based on how often your breathing stops during sleep. Breathing may stop from 5 to 30 or more times an hour. If not treated, this can lead you to other health problems. There are three different types of sleep apnea:
•Obstructive sleep apnea: the most common type. This is when your airways are blocked or partly blocked.
•Central sleep apnea: This is less common. This is when your brain has trouble controlling breathing.
•Complex sleep apnea: This is when you have both obstructive and central sleep apnea.


Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can help you breathe while sleeping. It is the best treatment for sleep apnea. CPAP can help you to have normal sleep. You will feel less sleepy and more alert during the day. CPAP lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Preparing for Test

Don’t take any naps on the day of your test. You will need to shower/bathe before the test. Don’t use any oils, sprays, or gels in your hair. You can’t wear makeup, fake nails, or fingernail polish. You should pack an overnight bag with items such as toothbrush, comb, pillows/blankets, and a book.

During the Test

In the sleep lab, you will be in a private room. Small pads/patches called electrodes will be placed on your head and body. It is applied with a small amount of paste and tape. These will record things like brain activity, eye movement, oxygen levels, and snoring. Soft elastic belts will be placed around your chest and belly to measure your breathing. Your blood oxygen levels will be checked by a small clip (oximeter) placed on the tip of your index finger. If you have sleep apnea, you can use a CPAP machine. You will stay in the lab overnight. You may also be asked to stay the following day.

After the Test

You can go back to your normal activities right away. We will review your sleep study within 1-4 business days. The full report will be added in MyChart. If you do not have MyChart, a letter will be sent to your home address through USPS mail. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, an order for CPAP therapy will be placed. This will be with the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) you previously selected. It may take up to 6 weeks for your DME to review and process your order. The DME will call you to schedule an appointment at their location. This appointment includes fitting for a mask. Most insurances require a follow up to occur 60-90 days after treatment begins. Your appointment should be scheduled about 8-10 weeks after you begin CPAP therapy.

Who To Call

If your doctor requested that you follow up with our clinic, please call to schedule an appointment.
WI Sleep Clinic- 608-232-3333