Hearing Aid Services

If you are over the age of 18, and you purchased your hearing aids at UW Health, you can receive basic hearing aid cleaning and repair without needing a visit with an audiologist. Days of service vary based on availability of staff.

Hearing Aid Services

Services may include:

  • Basic hearing aid cleaning

  • Hearing aid tube change

  • Small repairs such as, replacing receivers, tone hooks, etc., as supplies are available.

  • Picking up hearing aid supplies or batteries

  • Picking up repaired devices

University Hospital and 1 S Park Street Medical Center

This location requires an appointment. When you arrive:

  • Enter through the Clinics entrance. Stop at registration.

  • Go to ENT Clinic and let them know you have a Hearing Aid Services appointment.

  • Staff will have you take a seat in the lobby. If you have been waiting more than 15 minutes, let us know.

Eastpark Medical Center

This location does not require an appointment and is first come, first serve. When you arrive:

  • Enter the main entrance and proceed to the retail area on the 2nd floor of the North wing.

  • Let staff know you are there for Hearing Aid Services. People will be helped in the order they arrive.

What to Expect

The visit will take about 15 minutes and you will not meet with an audiologist. Staff will address any questions, concerns or problems you may have.

When to See an Audiologist

There are services that require you to see an audiologist. In these cases, you will not be able to have a hearing aid services visit. These services include:

  • Programming/adjustment of hearing aid(s)

  • Ear mold changes

  • Choosing and selecting a hearing aid

  • Hearing aid fitting (new devices and/or repairs)


The cost may vary based on hearing aid warranty, the service, and the supplies required. Payments are required on the day of service. We accept Visa, Mastercard, personal checks, or exact amount in cash.

Who to Call

When scheduling at University Hospital or 1 S Park St Medical Center, be sure to ask for a “Hearing Aid Services” appointment.

ENT (Otolaryngology) Clinic

University Hospital
600 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53792
(608) 263-6190

ENT Clinic
1 S Park St Medical Center
1 S. Park Street, 6th Floor
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 287-2500

Eastpark Medical Center Hearing Aid Services

4621 Eastpark Medical Center
Madison, WI 53718
2nd Floor North
(608) 916-0100