You have met the pre-pump requirements. This handout will describe the next steps for using insulin pump therapy. You and your diabetes team will work together to help you reach your blood sugar goals.

Your pathway to insulin pump therapy includes four phases:

  1. Pre-pump checklist

  2. Understanding the insulin pump

  3. Maintenance

  4. Post-pump care

Pre-pump Checklist

This is a checklist of things to do before starting to use a pump.

  • Check your insurance coverage for cost and any pre-pump requirements. It may take several weeks to be approved by insurance.

  • Learn about all of your pump options. Your health care team, insulin pump company staff, websites, brochures, family or friends can be good resources.

  • After you choose a pump, let your provider know. Based on the type of pump and your insurance, your pump may be ordered through the pump company, a medical supply company or through a pharmacy.

Understanding the Insulin Pump

A certified insulin pump trainer will contact you to schedule pump training. (This is not done by clinic staff.) Before you meet with the trainer, review the materials that come with the pump. Changes in pump settings may be needed in the first few weeks. You will need to upload or link your pump to the clinic for your provider to review. Changes will be based on your blood sugar goals. Call the diabetes team if you have high or low blood sugars.


You will have a clinic visit with a diabetes care and education specialist shortly after starting the pump. You will review pump settings, basic pump features, and a back-up plan. We will talk about common concerns such as:

  • How to prevent and treat high and low blood sugar levels

  • Sick day guidelines

  • Advanced features of the pump

  • Traveling with a pump

  • Pump failure

  • Pump supplies renewal

  • Infusion sets

  • Infusion sites

  • Taping issues

Post-Pump Care

Plan to follow up with your diabetes team every 3 months. Visits will be designed to meet your needs. Between these visits, do the following:

  • Call the clinic with blood sugar concerns (frequently < 70 or >250).

  • Know your pump failure back up plan and how to problem-solve high blood sugars.

  • Know how/where to get your pump supplies. Contact the supplier directly if there is a question.