HF 7729

Desmopressin (DDAVP) Challenge

Desmopressin (DDAVP) is a medicine used to prevent or treat excess bleeding. DDAVP increases blood clotting by stimulating the release of factor VIII (8) and von Willebrand factor from storage sites in the body.

It is designed for those with bleeding disorders such as:

  • Mild von Willebrand disease

  • Platelet function disorders

  • Mild factor VIII deficiency (hemophilia A)

This medicine does not work for everyone. You will need a DDAVP challenge to make sure the medicine will help to clot your blood.

Before Your Visit

  • For 10 days before your visit: Do not take aspirin or any medicine that contains aspirin.

  • For 3 days before your visit: Do nottake non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAIDS). These include:

    • Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil)

    • Naproxen (Aleve)

  • Read the medicine labels for all other medicines. Medicine used to treat cold and flu, headaches or other pain may contain these medicines.

During Your Visit

  1. You will get a blood test before you get DDAVP.

  2. You will receive DDAVP through a vein or as a nose spray called desmopressin.

  3. You will have another blood test 1 hour after you received the medicine.

  4. You will need one more blood test 4 hours later. These blood tests will show if DDAVP works for you.

After Your Visit

DDAVP makes the body hold on to water.

  • Limit plain water and other fluids for 24 hours after DDAVP.

  • Drink fluids that have salt in them such as sports drinks, chicken or beef broth and milk.

Common Side Effects

  • Facial redness

  • Mild headache

  • Mild swelling of arms or legs

Less Common Side Effects

  • Stuffy nose

  • Sore throat

  • Mild belly cramping

  • Low blood pressure

  • Fast heart rate

  • Seizures due to low blood sodium


Your healthcare provider will call or MyChart you with your results within one week. If your blood tests show that DDAVP does not work for you, we will tell you about other medicines.

When to Call

Call the clinic if you notice:

  • You are unable to urinate (pee) within 12 hours of taking DDAVP

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Confusion

  • Changes in eyesight

  • Headache not relieved with acetaminophen (Tylenol)

  • Fever, chills

  • Rash

  • Seizure

Call 911 for any signs of an allergic reaction like wheezing or trouble breathing,

Who to Call

UW Health Comprehensive Program for Bleeding Disorders

Monday – Friday

8 am – 4:30 pm

(608) 890-9493

After hours, weekends, and holidays contact the pediatric or adult hematologist on call at (608) 262-0486.