HF 7641

ERAS: Full Bowel Prep Using MoviPrep®

This handout explains the steps you need to follow for your bowel prep as you prepare your bowel for surgery.

The MoviPrep® bowel prep has two doses, one liter each. You will drink this prep 1 day before surgery.

Clear Liquid Diet

“Clear liquid” means no sediment, no fiber, and no pulp. Clear does not mean colorless.

  • Water, sparkling water, or soda

  • Gelatin (no added fruit or topping) homemade from box only

  • Popsicles with no pieces of fruit or fruit pulp

  • Broth or bouillon

  • Crystal Light®

  • Juice with no pulp (apple, no orange)

  • Coffee or tea, no creamer – sugar is ok

  • Gatorade® or other clear sports drinks

  • No alcohol or dairy products

  • Hard candy

  • Ensure Clear® 4 pack

2 Days Before Surgery

Follow the instructions on your checklist for mixing the first dose of MoviPrep® prep. Store this in the fridge and use within 48 hours.

Day Before Surgery

Follow the schedule on your checklist for completing your bowel prep. Clear your schedule of other duties for the day. The prep will last most of the day. Stay near a bathroom.

Clear Liquids

Drink only clear liquids all day and up to 2 hours before the surgery.

Other Medicines

If you take scheduled medicines, take them at least 1 hour or more before or after drinking the prep. Do not take them while you drink the prep.

Bowel Prep

Follow your ERAS Bowel Prep Checklist. Once you have finished the first dose of the prep, mix the second dose and place in fridge. You will drink the second dose at noon today.

Expect to have some cramps and liquid stools within 1-6 hours. Stop drinking if you feel sick. Start again as soon as you can at a slower rate.

When you finish drinking the prep, drink 16 ounces of a clear liquid.

Your stool should be watery and clear, with no solids (flecks are ok). The color may be yellow, green, or tan.

Ensure Clear®

Drink three bottles of Ensure Clear® today. Save the 4th bottle to drink in the morning.


Take your antibiotics today if needed. Follow the schedule on your ERAS Bowel Prep Checklist not the instructions on the pill bottles. Call if you have questions.

Skin Prep

Before bed, you will take your first shower using Hibiclens® medicated wash.

The Morning of Surgery

Follow the schedule on your ERAS Bowel Prep Checklist and follow the details the nurse from First Day Surgery gave you. If you can have clear liquids until 2 hours before the surgery, refer to the clear liquids list.


Take approved medicines.

Ensure Clear®

Drink the 4th bottle of Ensure Clear® (10 oz.) 4 hours before surgery.

Fleets® Enema

Give yourself a Fleets® enema at least one hour before you leave for the hospital.

Skin Prep

Take shower #2 using Hibiclens® medicated wash.

When to Call

Call us if you:

  • Have questions

  • Have steady stomach pain

  • Are light-headed or dizzy

  • Have no bowel movements

  • Cannot drink the prep

Who to Call

Digestive Health Center
Toll free: 1-855-342-9900
After hours, holidays and weekends ask for the doctor on call.

ERAS Bowel Prep Checklist

2 Days Before Surgery
 Mix first dose of MoviPrep®. Follow the package instructions. Do not add extra flavors.
 Put bottle in the fridge.

1 Day Before Surgery
7:00 AM – Stop eating solid foods. Start clear liquid diet.
7:00 AM First Dose- The MoviPrep® bottle has 4 marks. Every 15 minutes drink the prep down to the next mark until it is gone.
 When you finish drinking the prep, drink 16 ounces of a clear liquid.
 Mix the second dose of MoviPrep® in the same container. Chill.
12:00 PM – Second Dose-The MoviPrep® bottle has 4 marks. Every 15 minutes drink the prep down to the next mark until it is gone.
1:00 PM – Start drinking Ensure Clear®. You will drink 3 bottles today.
2:00 PM –Take the 1ST dose of antibiotic.
4:00 PM – Take the 2nd dose of antibiotic.
10:00 PM – Take the last dose of antibiotic.
 Before bed – Shower with the Hibiclens medicated wash. Follow your skin prep instructions. (Shower #1)

Morning of Surgery
 Take approved medicines.
4 hours before surgery – Drink the 4th bottle of Ensure Clear® (10 oz.)
1-2 hours before leaving for the hospital – Give yourself a Fleets® enema.
After enema –Shower with the Hibiclens medicated wash. Follow your skin prep instructions. (Shower #2)