HF 6314

Biopsy for Musculoskeletal Radiology Patients

A biopsy is a way to remove a small sample from the bone or soft tissue. A needle is inserted through your skin into the bone or soft tissue to take a sample to be studied.

Preparing for a Biopsy

All Patients

  • A nurse will review all allergies and medicines with you. You will get detailed instructions if you take blood thinners or medicine for diabetes.

  • Stop taking aspirin seven days before the test.

  • Stop taking NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen, Aleve®, or Advil®, two days before your test.

Sedation Patients

  • Do not eat or drink for 6 hours before the test. You can take your normal medicines with a sip of water unless you are told not to.

  • If you have sleep apnea, you may need to bring your CPAP or BiPAP machine with you.

  • Bring inhalers and any medicines you will need.

  • A friend or family member must drive you to and from the hospital.

  • Do not drive or make important decisions until the next day.

Day of the Biopsy

Enter the hospital through the clinic entrance and take the Atrium elevators to the 3rd floor. Check in at the (G3/3) Radiology desk.

Biopsy Without Sedation

  • You will go to the procedure room.

  • The doctor will explain the risks and benefits of the test and answer any questions or concerns.

  • They will have you to sign a consent form.

  • You will be placed on a cart or table.

  • A radiology tech will be there to help the doctor.

  • We will clean the biopsy site with soap.

  • The doctor will numb the skin.

  • They will then insert a needle through the skin into the soft tissue where a sample will be removed.

  • They may do this a few times to get a good sample.

  • We will put a dressing over the site.

Biopsy With Sedation

  • You will go to a prep area and change into a gown.

  • A nurse will place an IV in your vein.

  • The doctor will explain the risks and benefits of the test and answer your questions or concerns.

  • You will sign a consent form.

  • We will take you to the procedure room on a cart.

  • You will be put on a procedure table.

  • You will get medicine to relax and lessen any pain.

  • We will check your blood pressure, oxygen level, heart rhythm, and heart rate often.

  • The biopsy site will be cleaned with soap.

  • The doctor will numb the skin.

  • They will then insert a needle through the skin into the bone or soft tissue where a sample will be removed.

  • They may do this a few times to get a good sample.

  • We will put a dressing over the site.

If you had sedation, you will go to the recovery room where a nurse will watch your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen level. After you wake up, you can have something to eat. We will watch you for the next 2 hours in the hospital. After that time, you will be allowed to go home. A nurse will call you several days after the test.


You may feel a little sore. Take Tylenol® or your pain medicines. The soreness often lasts for 24 hours.


You can shower 24 hours after the procedure. Do not use bathtubs, hot tubs, or go swimming for at least 3 days.

When to Call

Call your doctor right away if:

  • The area around the site becomes red, swollen, or more painful.

  • You have white or yellow pus or drainage from the site.

  • You have a fever greater than 100.4º F or 38º C.

Who to Call

Musculoskeletal Nurse Coordinator: (608) 263-6871
Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm

After hours or weekends, please call (608) 263-6400 and ask for the Bone Radiologist. Leave your name and phone number with the area code. The doctor will call you back.

Toll free: 1-800-323-8942

To reschedule, please call: (608) 263-6871

If you need help right away, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.