What is it?

Cystoscopy is a procedure were a small scope with a light is used to look at your child’s urethra and bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from bladder to the outside of the body. It is done in the operating room under anesthesia by a pediatric urologist.

Why is it done?

It can be done for many reasons. It may give your provider helpful information about your child’s bladder that is not seen on an x-ray. The doctor will talk with you about why this may be needed. It may help to:

  • Find out why your child has pain with urination or blood in the urine.

  • See if there is a blockage in the urethra or the bladder.

  • Check for problems with the lining in the bladder.

  • Check for narrowing of the urethra.

What to Expect

Your child may feel burning when urinating for the first 1-2 days. They may also see pink colored urine caused by a small amount of blood in the urine. This is normal 1-2 days after the procedure.

What to Do

  • Give your child lots of fluids but avoid drinks and food with caffeine. These may bother the bladder.

  • Your child should urinate often. The more often they urinate, the less pain they may feel.

  • You may give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain.

  • Wait until the first day after surgery to let your child do activities such as climbing or riding a bike.

  • If your child is having a hard time urinating, have them sit in a warm bathtub to relax.

When to Call

  • Fever over 101.5 F

  • Large amounts of bright red blood or blood clots in the urine

  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

  • Unable to urinate for more than 8 hours after going home

  • If you have questions or concerns

Who to Call

Pediatric Urology Clinic

Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

(608) 263-6420

After hours, nights and weekends, the clinic number is answered by the paging operator. Ask for the Pediatric Urology Resident on call. Give your name and phone number with the area code. The doctor will call you back.

The toll-free number is (800) 323-8942.