Barrett’s Esophagus

Barrett’s esophagus happens when the cells that line the esophagus change into a type of cell similar to the cells found in the intestine (Barrett’s cells). This change in the cells can lead to cancer.

A HALO 90 or 360

A HALO is a procedure that uses radio frequency (RF) energy to treat Barrett’s esophagus. When your team talks about 90 or 360 this refers to how much of your esophagus needs to be treated. This depends on the amount of Barrett’s cells.

During a HALO, a flexible tube with a light and a camera is placed in your esophagus. The RF energy, in the form of heat, destroys the Barrett’s cells without harming the normal esophageal cells. Healthy new cells/tissue should grow in the place of the destroyed Barrett’s cells. If you have a HALO 90 you will either be sedated or have general anesthesia.

*Important – Please read this material 1 week in advance. Your procedure may be cancelled if you do not follow the instructions.

Important to Know

Never stop taking blood thinning medicines without talking with your doctor first. They will give you instructions on how to safely stop these medicines. Call us if you have questions.

  • 7 Days Before- Stop taking the blood thinner Effient® (prasugrel).

  • 5 Days Before- Stop taking the blood thinners Coumadin® (warfarin) or Plavix® (clopidogrel).

  • 2 Days Before- Stop taking the blood thinners Pradaxa® (dabigatran), Xeralto® (rivaroxaban), Eliquis® (apixaban) and Brilinta® (ticagrelor).

Diabetes Medicines (oral and insulin) will need to be adjusted for the time you’re not eating like you normally do. Please discuss this with your primary doctor.

Plan ahead. You will get sedatives which can greatly affect your judgment. You must have an adult to drive you home or your exam will be cancelled. You may take a cab or bus home; however, you must have a responsible adult with you other than the driver.

Our staff will need to review your health history. This includes any past surgeries, allergies, and medicines that you take. Please bring this information with you.

If you use CPAP or BiPAP for sleep apnea, please bring it with you. We will need your machine to safely sedate you.

Day of the HALO

  • No solid food, milk, or dairy products until after your exam.

  • Do not take liquid antacids before your exam.

  • You may drink clear liquids until 4 hours before you arrive (i.e. water, apple juice, soda®, Gatorade®). You must stop for sedation to be given safely. Avoid red liquids.

  • Take your normal medicines with a small sip of clear liquid up to 1 hour before you arrive. Do not take the pills and supplements mentioned under “Important to Know.”

  • Follow the arrival and registration instructions in your cover letter. If you are delayed, call us at (608) 263-8094 to let us know you are going to be late. If you are over 30 minutes late, we may have to cancel and reschedule. We do our best to stay on time.


A nurse will review your health history and place an IV. The IV is used to give you medicines which make you feel drowsy and relaxed during your test. The test will take about 1 hour.

After the test you will go to our recovery room for about 1 hour. Your driver may sit with you there. Once awake, you may be given something to drink. Your doctor will discuss results with you before you go home. You and the doctor who referred you will get a copy of the report.

After the HALO and for the Rest of the Day

  • Do not return to work.

  • Do not drive.

  • Do not use hazardous machinery.

  • Do not make any important decisions.

  • Plan to rest.

  • Do not drink alcohol.

  • You should be able to resume normal daily tasks on the day after your exam.

  • You may have a mild sore throat. Saltwater gargles should help.

  • You may have some gas pains from the air used to distend your stomach. If you belch, this will help.

  • You may have diet restrictions after your HALO.

  • You may have mild chest pain for 2-3 days.

Who to call

GI Procedure Center
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(608) 263-8094

After clinic hours, this number will give you the paging operator. Ask for the Gastroenterology (GI) doctor on call. Leave your name and phone number with the area code. The doctor will call you back.

If you live out of the area, call 1-800-323-8942.

If you are not able to keep your appointment, let us know 5 days in advance