
UW Health transplant patient resources

Clinical education for transplant patients


Curious about how the journey from organ donation to transplant really happens? There are dozens of people who contribute to this life-saving work. As a service to its patients we offer the following educational videos, which discuss important facets of the liver, kidney and pancreas transplant process.

Overview of entire donation and transplantation process
Learn about the transplant process
Learn about the living donation evaluation process
Learn how to correctly take your medicines for a successful transplant
Learn about the options you have as to where your organ will come from
Learn how nutrition plays a key role in transplant function and overall health
Learn about the importance of following food saftey guidelines after your transplant
Learn about the lab tests you'll need after your transplant
Transplant care at home
LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device)

Transplant community learning sessions

Our continuing education sessions help transplant patients, living donors and their families and friends stay up-to-date on important information. Many of these sessions include both an in-person presentation and online opportunity to expand your knowledge and stay connected to this ever-changing field of medicine.

If you would like to be notified of upcoming sessions, email your request to

Multiple listing

Multiple listing involves registering on the waitlist at two or more transplant centers. It is important for patients to understand their options regarding multiple listing for transplant, and the benefits of being listed at the UW Health Transplant Center.

Record sheets

Patient housing in Madison

Other resources for post-transplant patients

Resources for living donation

The UW Health Transplant Center is one of the nation’s largest living donation centers. Learn more about living donation:

Transplant surgery anatomy drawings