Body Scan 1 - 45:32, Katherine Bonus, MA
Body Scan 2 - 31:00, Laura Pinger, MS
Body Scan 3 - 15:45, Lori Gustafson, MS
Body Scan 4 - 31:49, Michael Waupoose, LCSW
6-point Body Scan - 14:45, Michael Waupoose, LCSW
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A few considerations
Please do not listen to meditations while driving.
If you have any medical or orthopedic concerns, please consult your physician or physical therapist before engaging in yoga practice.
Self-Compassion Break - 6:24, Bob Gillespie, PhD
(Video file, not available for download)
Mindful Self-Compassion for Difficult Times - 12:56, Emily Hagenmaier, LCSW
Sitting Meditation 1 - 27:07, Katherine Bonus, MA
Sitting Meditation 2 - 47:51, Katherine Bonus, MA
Mindful Yoga: Introduction - 1:47, Katherine Bonus, MA
Mindful Yoga: Guidance - 44:01, Katherine Bonus, MA
Standing Yoga: Introduction - 2:03, Katherine Bonus, MA
Standing Yoga: Guidance - 41:46, Katherine Bonus, MA
Floor Yoga: Introduction - 1:58, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Floor Yoga: Full practice - 41:17, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Yoga Practice - 22:11, Heather Sorensen, LCSW
Guided Floor Yoga - 38:08, Diana Grove, RN
(Video files, not available for download)
Qigong Warm-Up Exercises - 8:34, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Fundamental Movement Patterns - 16:11, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Japanese Crane Qigong Form - 14:44, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Tai Chi Fundamental Forms - 4:10, Kristi Rietz, OTR/L
Snowy Day Qigong (Instruction) – 17:20, Vinny Minichiello, MD
Snowy Day Qigong (Full Practice) – 13:59, Vinny Minichiello, MD; Lisa Thomas Prince, MPH
Snowy Day Qigong (Seated) – 17:08, Vinny Minichiello, MD
Introduction - 5:15, Katherine Bonus, MA
Special Place - 9:34, Katherine Bonus, MA
Breath - 9:43, Katherine Bonus, MA
Body Sensations - 11:13, Katherine Bonus, MA
Caring Moments - 11:47, Katherine Bonus, MA
Intro to Pain - 9:07, Katherine Bonus, MA
Guided Pain Meditation - 13:54, Katherine Bonus, MA
Applications - 5:15, Katherine Bonus, MA
A Special Place - 7:02, Diana Grove, RN
Compassionate Presence - 12:26, Diana Grove, RN
Loving Kindness Meditation - 9:46, Diana Grove, RN
(Video files, not available for download)
Winters Caring Moments - 3:11, Sandy Wojtal-Weber, MSSW
Meditation on Three Letting Be’s - 9:18, Sandy Wojtal-Weber, MSSW
Creative Darkness - 6:00, Sandy Wojtal-Weber, MSSW
Breath Awareness Meditation - 10:02, Sylvia Eugenia Ruíz, CMF
Amor Bondadoso - 24:23, Sylvia Eugenia Ruíz, CMF
Drop-In Practice - 5:30, Matthew Hirshberg, MEd
Breath Awareness (Long) - 17:30, Matthew Hirshberg, MEd
Loving Kindness - 10:48, Heather Sorensen, LCSW
Multi-Bell Practice - 4:08, Lisa Thomas Prince, MPH
Body Scan 1 - 15:45, Lori Gustafson, MS
6-Point Body Scan - 6:14, Lori Gustafson, MS
Breath Awareness - 5:39, Lori Gustafson, MS
A Special Place - 7:02, Diana Grove, RN
Caring Moment - 9:38, Heather Sorensen, LCSW
Yoga Practice - 22:11, Heather Sorensen, LCSW